Grab your exclusive gifts by being part of our loyalty program
Earn more points, and turn those points into awesome rewards.
Spending your hard-earned points is easy. Simply apply your points for a discount at checkout.
Explore this section to find comprehensive answers to all your questions about the loyalty program.
Tyme Rewards is our Tyme Customer Loyalty Program. It's free to join, and you get 75 points just for signing up!
There are so many easy ways to earn points, including shopping and engaging with us! + New members will earn 75 points for creating an account. +Start earning 1 point for every dollar you spend, and earn more as you move up in membership tiers +Earn 10 points for liking us on Instagram +Earn 20 points for subscribing to our mailing list +Earn 50 points as a birthday gift from us on your birthday for entry tier, and earn more as you move up tiers +Earn 225 points when your friend uses your referral link to make their first purchase of $75 or more
If you already have an account, you're automatically enrolled and can login and start using your points right away. If you don't have an account, no worries. Its easy to sign up, always free and you can start earning points today.
Redeeming your points is easy. Just login, and select how you wish to use your points. Redeem your points for: +free shipping voucher +10% off +15% off +20% off +Free products
You can check your tyme rewards points by logging into your account.
Yes, your points will expire 12 months after your last order with us, but we'll send you a reminder so you don't forget. If you place an order, then you have another 12 months before they expire.
No worries! Feel free to email us at anytime.